Some of the best crafts come from recycled items. And with this snake craft you'll be using empty toilet paper rolls which is a great item to use because they are so plentiful and their uses are endless. Kids can make these as long as they want and will have fun making a colorful pattern. Just watch out! They will probably have the most fun trying to scare you with this one.

What you'll need:

  • Red and orange construction paper
  • Paper towel roll
  • Black pipe cleaner
  • Googly eyes
  • Orange and green paint
  • Paint brush
  • Glue
  • Stapler/tape
  • Scissors
How to make your snake craft:
  1. Cut the paper towel roll in several pieces about 1 inch each and only one about 2-3 inches.
  2. Paint the cut up paper rolls with green and orange paint.
  3. Using the template provided trace and cut out the head and tongue of the snake. Glue together and add the googly eyes.
  4. Once your paint had dried staple the pipe cleaner inside each piece as shown.
  5. Glue the head onto the larger paper roll piece.
snake craft snake craft materials paper roll snake craft snake craft step 2 snake craft step 3 toilet paper roll snake craft