Dazzle your children with the Dazzling Dominoes Star craft! Sure to be a hit in your family, children will be excited to make their own set of dominoes. This fun craft even includes instructions for a cute storage jar. Once your craft is complete, have fun learning numbers one through ten and playing dominoes!

What you'll need:

  • 2 pieces of different colored cardstock
  • Small star stickers
  • Black marker
  • Scissors
  • ruler
  • scotch tape
  • clean baby food or spice jar container
  • pencil
How to make your dominoes:
  • Using a pencil and ruler, make 1 and � inch columns along the width of one of the pieces of cardstock. Cut out the columns. Using the ruler and scissors, cut out one inch squares from each of the columns. You should create ten squares per column, or have forty squares in total. (see photos)
  • Using the ruler and black marker, draw a straight line across the middle of each of the dominoes. On the top of the domino, choose a number one through ten. Using the star stickers, place a different number of the same color star stickers in the bottom half of the domino. (see photos)
  • Repeat the above step with the remaining thirty nine dominoes. You should the numbers one through ten four times each on the top and four times each on the bottom. Make sure none of your dominoes are the same. (see photos)
How to make your domino storage jar:
  • Using the ruler and pencil, measure a strip that is 1 and � inches long on the other piece of colored cardstock. Cut out with scissors. Wrap around the clean baby food jar and cut of the remaining excess, allowing a little bit of the paper to overhang.
  • Decorate the strip with star stickers and a small scrap piece of cardstock that says "Dazzling Star Dominoes." You may also decorate the top of the jar with stickers and markers. (see photos)
  • Once complete, wrap the strip around the jar and secure with scotch tape. (see photos)
  • Store your dominos in the jar when not in use. (see photos)
  • You are now ready to play with your dominos. Dominos is a simple game with many different variations. One way to play is to have each player select for dominos. The first person places down one of their dominos and the next player tries to match one of the numbers with one of their own dominos. If a player cannot go, he or she must select a domino from the extra dominoes. Play continues until all dominos have been used or there are no more possibilities for placement.
homemade dominoes craft homemade dominoes craft materials cardstock dominoes craft dominoes craft for kids kids dominoes craft cardstock band cardstock jar band jar craft kids number craft