This is an awesome robot craft for toddlers! This craft will be fun for kids of different ages, but it works well with toddlers that are into robots (and we know how many really love Plex these days from Yo Gabba Gabba). Its simple and let your kids use their imagination as with all of our robot crafts to customize the front as they like.

What you'll need:

  • Foam can cooler (from around the house or available at most craft stores, esp. during the summer months)
  • Aluminum foil
  • Silver pipe cleaners
  • Marker
  • Small round container that will fit over the top of the can cooler (we used an ice cream cup, but a plastic margarine container would work as well)
  • Two googly eyes
  • Sequins
  • Construction paper
  • Glue
  • Scissors
How to make this robot craft:
  1. Cover the small container with aluminum foil. Use glue to hold down the ends if necessary. When you wrap, don't close off the open side of the container. Instead wrap the foil around the sides. You need to be able to put the cup upside down on top of the can cooler.
  2. Glue on two googly eyes. Glue on some sequins under the eyes to make a smile.
  3. Wrap two pipe cleaners around a marker and slide them off. The curled pipe cleaners work as "crazy arms"! Our daughter loved this. Push an arm into the cooler on each side.
  4. Cut fun shapes out of construction paper and glue to the front of the cup.
toddler robot craft kids robot craft