This cute chick craft is perfect to make in the spring, at Easter or when learning about chicks. Children glue popsicle sticks together and paint them yellow to create the body. The wings are made by tracing the child's handprint onto yellow paper and then gluing feathers onto the handprint. Googly eyes and construction paper feet and a nose complete the project.

What you'll need:

  • Seven popsicle sticks
  • Glue
  • Yellow Paint
  • Paintbrush
  • Yellow construction paper
  • Orange construction paper
  • Yellow feathers
  • Marker
  • Scissors
  • Two googly eyes
  • Magnetic strip
How to make your popsicle stick chick craft:
  • Glue seven popsicle sticks together side by side.
  • Paint the top side of the sticks yellow.
  • Glue a small piece of magnetic strip and the two hands behind the popsicle sticks as shown.
  • Glue a few feathers on each side above the magnet.
  • From the orange paper, cut out a triangle nose and glue onto front of the sticks as shown. Glue two google eyes above the nose.
  • Cut two simple feet from the orange paper and glue behind the bottom of the craft.
popsicle stick chick magnet craft popsicle stick chick craft step 1 popsicle stick chick craft step 2 popsicle stick chick craft step 3 popsicle stick chick craft step 4 popsicle stick chick craft step 5