Beginning Sounds - Set 3 : Letters A, F, L, T and U

Match the pictures of an umbrella, tire, lion, apple and fan with the correct letter that makes the beginning sound.

  • Saturday, December 13, 2014
  • All Kids Network
  • 12,521 Visits

Bug Beginning Letters Worksheet

Color in the correct first letter and write it on the line for each bug.

Thanksgiving Beginning Letters Worksheet

Color in the correct first letter and write it on the line for each Thanksgiving item.

Cut and Paste Beginning Sounds Worksheets

Cut out the letters and paste them to match with the pictures that start with that sound.

  • Sunday, May 27, 2018
  • All Kids Network
  • 18,137 Visits

Animal Beginning Letters Worksheet

Color in the correct first letter and write it on the line for each animal.

Beginning Letters Worksheets

Color and write the correct letter for the beginning of each word to go with the pictures.

Spring Beginning Letters Worksheet

Color in the correct first letter and write it on the line for each spring item.

Write the Beginning Sounds Worksheets

Each worksheet in this set has six pictures and six letters. Kids are asked to match the letters with the correct picture that begins with that letter.

  • All Kids Network
  • 23,976 Visits

Identify the Beginning Sound

This set of beginning sounds worksheets asks kids to look at each picture and then circle the correct letter that begins the word.

  • Wednesday, November 16, 2016
  • All Kids Network
  • 29,263 Visits

Matching Beginning Sounds Worksheets

This group of beginning sounds phonics pages asks kids to draw a line from each picture to the letting that it begins with.

  • All Kids Network
  • 36,509 Visits