Looking for an easy and effective way to help your 1st and 2nd graders master mixed addition and subtraction? Our Mixed Addition and Subtraction Word Problem Generator provides a dynamic range of customizable word problems to fit your needs. Perfect for both teachers and parents, this tool allows you to generate new sets of problems with the click of a button, keeping your young learners engaged and continually challenging them to improve their skills. Boost your child or students' confidence and mathematical understanding effortlessly with this resource.

Addition And Subtraction Word Problem Generator

Customize the settings of the generated word problems.
An example word problem on a worksheet.
Select the number of digits per problem.
Select whether or not problems should require regrouping.
Select the way that numbers are displayed in the word problem.
Select the number of word problems you would like created on each worksheet page.
Select the number of pages to create.
Select whether or not you want to have the solution appended to the output.
Customize the header of the word problem worksheet.
An Activity Page Header with space for a title, instructions, and a place for name, date, teach and score labels for students.
Optionally, add a title to be included at the top of the page of the activity page.
Optionally, add instructions to be included at the top of the page of the activity page.
Select the size of the page.