Our Subtraction Word Problem Generator is a dynamic online resource aimed at assisting parents and teachers in creating engaging math activities. The tool enables the generation of customizable subtraction word problems to suit a range of learning levels, helping students master essential math skills. With a focus on practical applications of subtraction, it encourages learners to apply critical thinking to problem-solving, making math learning both effective and enjoyable

Subtraction Word Problem Generator

Customize the settings of the generated word problems.
An example word problem on a worksheet.
Select the number of digits per problem.
Select the way that numbers are displayed in the word problem.
Whether to include information that is unnecessary to solve the problem.
Select the number of word problems you would like created on each worksheet page.
Select the number of pages to create.
Select whether or not you want to have the solution appended to the output.
Customize the header of the word problem worksheet.
An Activity Page Header with space for a title, instructions, and a place for name, date, teach and score labels for students.
Optionally, add a title to be included at the top of the page of the activity page.
Optionally, add instructions to be included at the top of the page of the activity page.
Select the size of the page.